Lower quality assurance#

Quality assurance checklist#

Quality assurance checklist from the quality assurance of code for analysis and research guidance.

Modular code#

  • Individual pieces of logic are written as functions. Classes are used if more appropriate.

  • Repetition in the code is minimalised. For example, by moving reusable code into functions or classes.

Good coding practices#

  • Names used in the code are informative and concise.

  • Code logic is clear and avoids unnecessary complexity.

  • Code follows a standard style, e.g. PEP8 for Python and Google or tidyverse for R.

Project structure#

  • A clear, standard directory structure is used to separate input data, outputs, code and documentation.

Code documentation#

  • Comments are used to describe why code is written in a particular way, rather than describing what the code is doing.

  • Comments are kept up to date, so they do not confuse the reader.

  • Code is not commented out to adjust which lines of code run.

  • All functions and classes are documented to describe what they do, what inputs they take and what they return.

  • Python code is documented using docstrings. R code is documented using roxygen2 comments.

Project documentation#

  • A README file details the purpose of the project, basic installation instructions, and examples of usage.

  • Where appropriate, guidance for prospective contributors is available including a code of conduct.

  • If the code’s users are not familiar with the code, desk instructions are provided to guide lead users through example use cases.

  • The extent of analytical quality assurance conducted on the project is clearly documented.

  • Assumptions in the analysis and their quality are documented next to the code that implements them. These are also made available to users.

  • Copyright and licenses are specified for both documentation and code.

  • Instructions for how to cite the project are given.

Version control#

  • Code is version controlled using Git.

  • Code is committed regularly, preferably when a discrete unit of work has been completed.

  • An appropriate branching strategy is defined and used throughout development.

  • Code is open-sourced. Any sensitive data are omitted or replaced with dummy data.


  • Credentials and other secrets are not written in code but are configured as environment variables.

  • Configuration is clearly separated from code used for analysis, so that it is simple to identify and update.

  • The configuration used to generate particular outputs, releases and publications is recorded.

Data management#

  • Published outputs meet accessibility regulations.

  • All data for analysis are stored in an open format, so that specific software is not required to access them.

  • Input data are stored safely and are treated as read-only.

  • Input data are versioned. All changes to the data result in new versions being created, or changes are recorded as new records.

  • All input data is documented in a data register, including where they come from and their importance to the analysis.

  • Outputs from your analysis are disposable and are regularly deleted and regenerated while analysis develops. Your analysis code is able to reproduce them at any time.

  • Non-sensitive data are made available to users. If data are sensitive, dummy data is made available so that the code can be run by others.

  • Data quality is monitored, as per the government data quality framework.

Peer review#

  • Peer review is conducted and recorded near to the code. Merge or pull requests are used to document review, when relevant.


  • Core functionality is unit tested as code. See pytest for Python and testthat for R.

  • Code based tests are run regularly, ideally being automated using continuous integration.

  • Bug fixes include implementing new unit tests to ensure that the same bug does not reoccur.

  • Informal tests are recorded near to the code.

  • Stakeholder or user acceptance sign-offs are recorded near to the code.

Dependency management#

  • Required passwords, secrets and tokens are documented, but are stored outside of version control.

  • Required libraries and packages are documented, including their versions.

  • Working operating system environments are documented.

  • Example configuration files are provided.


  • Misuse or failure in the code produces informative error messages.

  • Code configuration is recorded when the code is run.

Project management#

  • The roles and responsibilities of team members are clearly defined.

  • An issue tracker (e.g GitHub Project, Trello or Jira) is used to record development tasks.

  • New issues or tasks are guided by users’ needs and stories.

  • Acceptance criteria are noted for issues and tasks. Fulfilment of acceptance criteria is recorded.

  • Quality assurance standards and processes for the project are defined. These are based around the quality assurance of code for analysis and research guidance document.

Template checklist#

You can either refer to the checklist above, or use the Markdown template below to include the checklist in your project.

## Quality assurance checklist

Quality assurance checklist from [the quality assurance of code for analysis and research guidance](https://best-practice-and-impact.github.io/qa-of-code-guidance/intro.html).

### Modular code

- [ ] Individual pieces of logic are written as functions. Classes are used if more appropriate.
- [ ] Repetition in the code is minimalised. For example, by moving reusable code into functions or classes.

### Good coding practices

- [ ] Names used in the code are informative and concise.
- [ ] Code logic is clear and avoids unnecessary complexity.
- [ ] Code follows a standard style, e.g. [PEP8 for Python](https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008/) and [Google](https://google.github.io/styleguide/Rguide.html) or [tidyverse](https://style.tidyverse.org/) for R.

### Project structure

- [ ] A clear, standard directory structure is used to separate input data, outputs, code and documentation.

### Code documentation

- [ ] Comments are used to describe why code is written in a particular way, rather than describing what the code is doing.
- [ ] Comments are kept up to date, so they do not confuse the reader.
- [ ] Code is not commented out to adjust which lines of code run.
- [ ] All functions and classes are documented to describe what they do, what inputs they take and what they return.
- [ ] Python code is [documented using docstrings](https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0257/). R code is [documented using `roxygen2` comments](https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/roxygen2/vignettes/roxygen2.html).

### Project documentation

- [ ] A README file details the purpose of the project, basic installation instructions, and examples of usage.
- [ ] Where appropriate, guidance for prospective contributors is available including a code of conduct.
- [ ] If the code's users are not familiar with the code, desk instructions are provided to guide lead users through example use cases.
- [ ] The extent of analytical quality assurance conducted on the project is clearly documented.
- [ ] Assumptions in the analysis and their quality are documented next to the code that implements them. These are also made available to users.
- [ ] Copyright and licenses are specified for both documentation and code.
- [ ] Instructions for how to cite the project are given.

### Version control

- [ ] Code is [version controlled using Git](https://git-scm.com/).
- [ ] Code is committed regularly, preferably when a discrete unit of work has been completed.
- [ ] An appropriate branching strategy is defined and used throughout development.
- [ ] Code is open-sourced. Any sensitive data are omitted or replaced with dummy data.

### Configuration

- [ ] Credentials and other secrets are not written in code but are configured as environment variables.
- [ ] Configuration is clearly separated from code used for analysis, so that it is simple to identify and update.
- [ ] The configuration used to generate particular outputs, releases and publications is recorded.

### Data management

- [ ] Published outputs meet [accessibility regulations](https://analysisfunction.civilservice.gov.uk/area_of_work/accessibility/).
- [ ] All data for analysis are stored in an open format, so that specific software is not required to access them.
- [ ] Input data are stored safely and are treated as read-only.
- [ ] Input data are versioned. All changes to the data result in new versions being created, or [changes are recorded as new records](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slowly_changing_dimension).
- [ ] All input data is documented in a data register, including where they come from and their importance to the analysis.
- [ ] Outputs from your analysis are disposable and are regularly deleted and regenerated while analysis develops. Your analysis code is able to reproduce them at any time.
- [ ] Non-sensitive data are made available to users. If data are sensitive, dummy data is made available so that the code can be run by others.
- [ ] Data quality is monitored, as per [the government data quality framework](https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/the-government-data-quality-framework/the-government-data-quality-framework).

### Peer review

- [ ] Peer review is conducted and recorded near to the code. Merge or pull requests are used to document review, when relevant.

### Testing

- [ ] Core functionality is unit tested as code. See [`pytest` for Python](https://docs.pytest.org/en/stable/) and [`testthat` for R](https://testthat.r-lib.org/). 
- [ ] Code based tests are run regularly, ideally being automated using continuous integration.
- [ ] Bug fixes include implementing new unit tests to ensure that the same bug does not reoccur.
- [ ] Informal tests are recorded near to the code.
- [ ] Stakeholder or user acceptance sign-offs are recorded near to the code.

### Dependency management

- [ ] Required passwords, secrets and tokens are documented, but are stored outside of version control.
- [ ] Required libraries and packages are documented, including their versions.
- [ ] Working operating system environments are documented.
- [ ] Example configuration files are provided.

### Logging

- [ ] Misuse or failure in the code produces informative error messages.
- [ ] Code configuration is recorded when the code is run.

### Project management

- [ ] The roles and responsibilities of team members are clearly defined.
- [ ] An issue tracker (e.g GitHub Project, Trello or Jira) is used to record development tasks.
- [ ] New issues or tasks are guided by users’ needs and stories.
- [ ] Acceptance criteria are noted for issues and tasks. Fulfilment of acceptance criteria is recorded.
- [ ] Quality assurance standards and processes for the project are defined. These are based around [the quality assurance of code for analysis and research guidance document](https://best-practice-and-impact.github.io/qa-of-code-guidance/intro.html).