Creating DataFrames Manually#
Most Spark DataFrames are created by reading in data from another source, often a parquet file or Hive table, or a CSV file. It is also possible to manually create DataFrames without reading in from another source.
One of the most common cases for manually creating DataFrames is for creating input data and expected output data while writing unit tests; see the Unit Testing in Spark article for more details.
Remember that Spark DataFrames are processed on the Spark cluster, regardless of if they were read in from another source or created manually.
Simple one column DataFrames#
are functions which create a simple DataFrame with one column, id
, with the specified number of rows. This can be useful as a starting point for creating synthetic or test data, or for generating a DataFrame containing random numbers.
PySpark Explanation
In PySpark, use spark.range()
. There are two ways this function can be used:
To create a DF with
starting from0
, just specify theend
value, e.g.spark.range(5)
. In common with many other Python operations, the values start from0
and the end number is not included in the results.To create a DF starting from a value other than
, then specify astart
values, e.g.spark.range(1, 6)
There is also an option for step
, e.g spark.range(start=1, end=10, step=2)
will return odd numbers.
sparklyr Explanation
In sparklyr, use sdf_seq()
. The first argument is always the Spark connection object sc
. The range is supplied with from
and to
; note that both from
and to
values are included in the output. If from
is not supplied then it will start from 1
There is also an option for the increment, by
, e.g sdf_seq(sc, from=1, to=9, by=2)
will return odd numbers.
As an example, start a Spark session then create a DataFrame with ten rows, and add a column of random numbers:
import pandas as pd
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession, functions as F
spark = (SparkSession.builder.master("local[2]")
seed_no = 100
random_numbers = (spark.range(5)
.withColumn("rand_no", F.rand(seed_no)))
sc <- sparklyr::spark_connect(
master = "local[2]",
app_name = "create-DFs",
config = sparklyr::spark_config())
seed_no <- 100L
random_numbers = sparklyr::sdf_seq(sc, 0, 4) %>%
sparklyr::mutate(rand_no = rand(seed_no))
random_numbers %>%
sparklyr::collect() %>%
| id| rand_no|
| 0| 0.6841403791584381|
| 1|0.21180593775249568|
| 2| 0.6121482044354868|
| 3| 0.4561043858476006|
| 4| 0.3728419130290753|
# A tibble: 5 × 2
id rand_no
<int> <dbl>
1 0 0.684
2 1 0.212
3 2 0.612
4 3 0.456
5 4 0.373
Spark DF from pandas/R DF#
You can also create Spark DataFrames from pandas or base R DataFrames. Spark DFs are processed in the Spark cluster, which means you have more memory when using Spark, and so some operations may be easier than in the driver, e.g. a join between two pandas/R DataFrames which results in a larger DF.
Remember that there are key differences between pandas/R DFs and Spark DFs. Spark DFs are not ordered by default and also have no index, so converting to Spark and then back will not preserve the original row order. Some operations are also easier with pandas/R than they are with Spark. See the Choosing between pandas/R and Spark article for more information.
In PySpark, use spark.createDataFrame(pandas_df)
, where pandas_df
is the pandas DataFrame. You can also specify the schema
argument here, although generally you will not need to as pandas DFs already have data types assigned. Note that if your pandas version is earlier that 0.25.0
there may be a bug when creating the DataFrame due to the column ordering. It is recommended to update to a later version of pandas to solve this.
In sparklyr, use sdf_copy_to()
, with sc
as the first argument and the base R DF as the second. You can also create a temporary table with the name
option if desired.
As an example, create a DataFrame of the five Grand National winners between 2017 and 2021 using pandas/R:
winners_pd = pd.DataFrame(
{"year": list(range(2017, 2022)),
"winner": ["Minella Times", None, "Tiger Roll", "Tiger Roll", "One For Arthur"],
"starting_price": ["11/1", None, "4/1 F", "10/1", "14/1"],
"age": [8, None, 9, 8, 8],
"jockey": ["Rachael Blackmore", None, "Davy Russell", "Davy Russell", "Derek Fox"]
winners_rdf <- data.frame(
"year" = 2017:2021,
"winner" = c("Minella Times", NA, "Tiger Roll", "Tiger Roll", "One For Arthur"),
"starting_price" = c("11/1", NA, "4/1 F", "10/1", "14/1"),
"age" = c(8, NA, 9, 8, 8),
"jockey" = c("Rachael Blackmore", NA, "Davy Russell", "Davy Russell", "Derek Fox")
winners_rdf %>%
year winner starting_price age jockey
0 2017 Minella Times 11/1 8.0 Rachael Blackmore
1 2018 None None NaN None
2 2019 Tiger Roll 4/1 F 9.0 Davy Russell
3 2020 Tiger Roll 10/1 8.0 Davy Russell
4 2021 One For Arthur 14/1 8.0 Derek Fox
year winner starting_price age jockey
1 2017 Minella Times 11/1 8 Rachael Blackmore
2 2018 <NA> <NA> NA <NA>
3 2019 Tiger Roll 4/1 F 9 Davy Russell
4 2020 Tiger Roll 10/1 8 Davy Russell
5 2021 One For Arthur 14/1 8 Derek Fox
Then convert this into a Spark DF and preview. Remember that previewing a DataFrame involves collecting data to the driver.
winners_spark = spark.createDataFrame(winners_pd)
winners_spark <- sparklyr::sdf_copy_to(sc, winners_rdf)
winners_spark %>%
sparklyr::collect() %>%
|year| winner|starting_price|age| jockey|
|2017| Minella Times| 11/1|8.0|Rachael Blackmore|
|2018| null| null|NaN| null|
|2019| Tiger Roll| 4/1 F|9.0| Davy Russell|
|2020| Tiger Roll| 10/1|8.0| Davy Russell|
|2021|One For Arthur| 14/1|8.0| Derek Fox|
# A tibble: 5 × 5
year winner starting_price age jockey
<int> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <chr>
1 2017 Minella Times 11/1 8 Rachael Blackmore
2 2018 <NA> <NA> NA <NA>
3 2019 Tiger Roll 4/1 F 9 Davy Russell
4 2020 Tiger Roll 10/1 8 Davy Russell
5 2021 One For Arthur 14/1 8 Derek Fox
Another issue to be careful with when converting pandas DFs to Spark is the treatment of null
values. See the article on null
and NaN
comparison for more information.
Create DF directly#
In PySpark, as well as converting a pandas DF you can also create a DataFrame directly with spark.createDataFrame()
. The first argument is data
, generally as a regular Python list with each row containing another list. If using this method then you will also want to supply the schema
, either a list of column names, or an object containing column names and types. See the article on Data Types for more information.
You cannot create a DataFrame in sparklyr in this way; instead, create a base R DF or tibble and use sdf_copy_to()
, as described above.
winners_spark = spark.createDataFrame(data=[
[2021, "Minella Times", "11/1", 8, "Rachael Blackmore"],
[2020, None, None, None, None],
[2019, "Tiger Roll", "4/1 F", 9, "Davy Russell"],
[2018, "Tiger Roll", "10/1", 8, "Davy Russell"],
[2017, "One For Arthur", "14/1", 8, "Derek Fox"]],
schema=["year", "winner", "starting_price", "age", "jockey"])
|year| winner|starting_price| age| jockey|
|2021| Minella Times| 11/1| 8|Rachael Blackmore|
|2020| null| null|null| null|
|2019| Tiger Roll| 4/1 F| 9| Davy Russell|
|2018| Tiger Roll| 10/1| 8| Davy Russell|
|2017|One For Arthur| 14/1| 8| Derek Fox|
Note that the age
column for the cancelled 2020
race is null
, whereas it was NaN
when converted from pandas.
Although most manually created DataFrames are small, they are still partitioned on the Spark cluster. The number of partitions can be set with numPartitions
in spark.range()
and repartition
in sdf_seq()
. See the article on Managing Partitions for details of how newly created DataFrames are partitioned.
Further Resources#
Spark at the ONS Articles:
PySpark Documentation:
sparklyr and tidyverse Documentation: