10  Resources


This version of the AQuA book is a preliminary ALPHA draft. It is still in development, and we are still working to ensure that it meets user needs.

The draft currently has no official status. It is a work in progress and is subject to further revision and reconfiguration (possibly substantial change) before it is finalised.

10.1 Written resources

The key additional resources referred to within the AQuA Book are collated here for easy reference.

10.1.1 Guidance and advice for performing analysis

10.1.2 Guidance and advice for performing assurance

10.1.3 Guidance and advice for communicating analysis

10.2 External sources of quality assurance

The Government Actuary’s Department (GAD) can provide expert quality assurance reviews of models across the public sector. GAD are a team of financial risk professionals and are experts in reviewing models on all modern platforms, including Excel, R, and Python. As a non-ministerial department, GAD can offer unique support from within government.