organisation_frameworks folder

This folder contains all organisation-specific frameworks. Each sub-folder is named for an organisation, and the name must be listed in the organisational_framework variable in the root-level cookiecutter.json file to be used; see the GDS folder for an example framework structure.

Analytical quality assurance (AQA) framework

Within each organisation folder, there must be a aqa folder that contains templates for the:

  • analytical quality assurance (AQA) plan;

  • data log; and

  • assumptions and caveats log.

It must also include a to link the AQA templates together using in MyST syntax.

Pull or merge request template

A file must be included in each organisation folder. This will be used to create a pull (GitHub) or merge (GitLab) request template in the project structure created by govcookiecutter.

You should include hints, and nudges to make sure contributors to your organisation’s projects follow its AQA framework.