Databaker Functions¶
- class databaker_functions.useful_functions.ConversionSegment(observations, dimensions, Lobservations=None, processTIMEUNIT=True, includecellxy=False)¶
Single output table object generated from a bag of observations that look up to a list of dimensions
- consolidatedcellvalueoverride()¶
- dsubsets()¶
- fixtimefromtimeunit()¶
- guesstimeunit()¶
- lookupobs(ob)¶
- process()¶
- topandas()¶
- class databaker_functions.useful_functions.HDim(hbagset, label, strict=None, direction=None, cellvalueoverride=None)¶
Dimension object which defines the lookup between an observation cell and a bag of header cells
- AddCellValueOverride(overridecell, overridevalue)¶
Override the value of a header cell (and insert it if not present in the bag)
- celllookup(scell)¶
Lookup function from a given cell to the matching header cell
- cellvalobs(ob)¶
Full lookup from a observation cell to its dimensional value (which can apply before lookup)
- checkvalues(vlist)¶
Check that the header cell values match
- discardcellsnotlookedup(obs)¶
Remove header cells to which none of the observation cells looks up to
- headcellval(hcell)¶
Extract the string value of a member header cell (including any value overrides)
- valueslist()¶
List of all the header cell values
- databaker_functions.useful_functions.loadxlstabs(inputfile, sheetids='*', verbose=True)¶