Project information

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Assurance Responsibilities

Name of Senior Responsible Owner (SRO) Name of Commissioner Name of Analyst(s) Name of Analytical Assurer(s)

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Signoff details

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I. Scoping the Analysis

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Q1 What question does the analysis try to answer?

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Q2 Why do you need to answer this analysis question?

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Q3 Which organisational priorities does this analysis address?

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Q4 If you use a model, is it business critical?

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Q5 Who needs the answer to the analysis question?

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Q6 Who do you need to consult to make sure you meet the right user needs?

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Q7 How will you know you have answered the analysis question correctly?

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Q8 What is the estimated time and resource required to answer the analysis question (in months and FTE)?

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Q9 What is the impact if the analysis is not done now?

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Q10 What is the impact if the analysis is not done correctly?

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Q11 Name the commissioner, senior responsible owner and analytical assurer of this analysis?

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Q12 What tools and resources will you use in production? Are they the best for the job?

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Q13 Do you have the right internal and external resources and capability to deliver the analysis?

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Q14 What are the anticipated risks of the analysis? Have you discussed these risks with customers and stakeholders?

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Q15 Is there a contingency plan prepared if your mitigation plans fail?

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Q16 Do the data and analysis comply with ethical requirements?

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Q17 What relevant questions are outside the scope of the analysis?

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Q18 How will you peer review and assure the analysis?

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Q19 Will external experts be involved in development and scrutiny of analysis?

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II. Design

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Q20 Is there a simple, plain English description of what the analysis is for and what it does?

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Q21 Does the analysis have a logic flowchart which explains the end-to-end steps in the workflow?

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Q22 When do you expect to start and finish each stage of analysis: data collection, processing, quality assurance, analysis and dissemination?

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Q23 Does any part of the analysis rely on manual processing? Have you considered the cost and benefits of fully automating the process?

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Q24 What happens if team members, reviewers or users find a mistake in the analysis?

Do you have a clear and efficient process for addressing issues and preventing them from happening again?

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Q25 Have you assessed uncertainty?

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III. Doing and Checking the Analysis

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Q26 How will the data in the analysis be processed before and during use?

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Q27 Is the data appropriate given the methods selected?

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Q28 What are the strengths and limitations of the data you use?

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Q29 Is there a robust relationship between your team and data providers? Do data providers understand how and why you use their data?

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Q30 Do you understand how data providers collect, process and quality assure the data you use?

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Q31 Is there a formal agreement to set out data content, when and how you will get the data? If not, why not?

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Q32 Do you know what quality checks are carried out on the data before you receive them?

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Q33 How will you work with your data provider when your data requirements change?

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Q34 How do you know if your data provider makes a change to their systems or processes which could impact the data you receive or the analysis you produce?

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Q35 How did you choose the methods for the analysis? How do you know the methods you use are appropriate?

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Q36 Have reasonable alternative methods been explored and rejected for good reasons?

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Q37 How do you know that your analysis is working correctly?

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Q38 Can you describe the assumptions of your analysis, when they were made and who made them and signed them off?

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Q39 How are assumptions validated and assured before you apply them?

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Q40 How do you measure and report uncertainty in your analysis?

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Q41 Have you considered the implications of relevant, unquantified uncertainties?

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Q42 Can you explain the impact of your analysis on downstream processes? Are there risks around these dependencies?

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Q43 Is all or part of the analysis reliant on a single person?

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Q44 Is it clear why important decisions about the analysis were made, who made them and when?

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Q45 If changes need to be made to code or datasets, is it easy to track who made the changes and when and why they were made?

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Q46 Would another analyst be able to reproduce your analysis output or continue the work (without talking to you first)?

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Q47 Do you use internal peer review to check scripts and code, documentation, implementation of methods, processes and outputs?

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Q48 Is your code and analysis ever peer reviewed by someone outside your team or organisation?

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Q49 What is your assessment of the quality of your analytical outputs?

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Q50 How do you assure yourself that the analysis you do is correct?

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Q51 Do the outputs of your analysis align with similar findings from elsewhere? If not can you explain why?

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Q52 If you find outliers or unusual trends in the data, what steps do you take to investigate them?

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IV. Delivery

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Q53 Can you give a clear account of what can and cannot be inferred from the analysis?

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Q54 Have you assessed the limitations of the data and analysis and set out how they affect the quality and use of the outputs?

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Q55 Have you sense checked outputs with user groups and stakeholders?

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Q56 Is uncertainty about data quality, assumptions and methodology clearly communicated to users?

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Q57 Are the implications of unquantified uncertainties communicated to users?

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Q58 Is workflow documentation including technical guides and code repositories publicly available?

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Q59 Does the technical guide and documentation explain how to run the analysis to obtain valid outputs?

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Q60 Have you fully documented the analysis code to comply with good practice?

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Q61 Is there a clear feedback mechanism so users can report back on the suitability of outputs?

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