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Thanks for using afcharts!

Try these first

  • If you want to find out more about any of afcharts’s functions; help files can be found on the References page of the package website. Alternatively, type ?function_name into the RStudio console. For example:

  • If you need help with ggplot2, it might be helpful to look at the afcharts cookbook which contains lots of example code to create various types of chart. The ggplot2 website may also be helpful.

Where to ask for help

Before opening a new issue, be sure to search issues and pull requests to make sure the bug hasn’t been reported and/or already fixed in the development version. By default, the search will be pre-populated with is:issue is:open. You can edit the qualifiers (e.g. is:pr, is:closed) as needed. For example, you’d simply remove is:open to search all issues in the repo, open or closed.

How to ask for help

Try to explain your problem as clearly as possible. This could involve explaining what you are trying to do and what the expected and actual behaviour of your code is.

It can be very useful to include a minimal reproducible example (reprex) using the reprex package. For help using reprex, see the Get help section of the tidyverse site.

Being able to reproduce your problem greatly increases the chances of us being able to help you.